They have never been given the credit they deserve. They have never been recognized for the impact they have. They have never been provided an opportunity to be a part of the actual show. We just changed that!

KnowYourFanz is dedicated to bringing fan interaction to the forefront of the experience. Our goal is simple, the goal is to bring your experience the spotlight it deserves.

Your goal is also simple. Document the craziest, the wildest, the most ridiculous expression either in support of or in rejection of an event. This isn’t even confined to sports, it could be a child’s bar mitzvah that goes off the rails. Submit it, and let KnowYourFanz give you the exposure you deserve.

If you see a KnowYourFanz film crew at an event, you know what to do… light up like it’s the Fourth of July and force us to put you up on Insta.
After you have submitted, keep an eye on the KnowYourFanz instagram page to see if your fandom goes viral.